Getting started#


The first step to using this wrapper is to actually install it. I recommend poetry but you can really use any package manager you wish.

  • poetry
    poetry add rin
  • pip
    pip install rin

Congrats, you have installed rin!

Basic introduction#

In this section I will give a basic introduction to this wrapper. It is recommended that you know some basic python first of all before started though.

1. Setting event listeners#

The main bread & butter of this wrapper is the callback style of subsribing listeners to events.

A quick little example of setting event listeners.

import asyncio
import rin

async def main() -> None:
    client = rin.GatewayClient("DISCORD_TOKEN")

    async def on_ready(user: rin.User) -> None:
        print(f"LOGGED IN AS {}.")

    await client.start()

In the example above we set a listener to the event, READY. Thus whenever READY is dispatched from the gateway the following callback will be called. There is also many more was to register a callback. You get different styles of them in this wrapper, E.g GatewayClient.once() and GatewayClient.collect()


You are required to pass an event to on(…) and it’s counterparts, E.g once(…) and collect(…)

Another cool thing about this wrapper, you aren’t required to register a callback via the GatewayClient. You can set a callback with the events itself, for an example.

import asyncio
import rin

async def main() -> None:
     client = rin.GatewayClient("DISCORD_TOKEN")

     async def on_ready(user: rin.User) -> None:
         print(f"LOGGED IN AS {}")

     await client.start()

This allows for useful things, such as when you want to register listeners inside of a subclass. Do note that this is equivalent with the example shown above this example. For simplicity, in future examples I will be using rin.GatewayClient.on()


In-class event registration is only supported by Event.on(), Event.once() and Event.collect()